Homeowner tips

Learn the signs you might need a new air conditioner

Know the warning signs that you might need a new air conditioner

Summer is coming. Are you ready? One of the easiest ways to prepare for the summer heat (and your rising energy bill) is to replace your existing thermostat with a modern, connected model, like the Sensi™ Smart Thermostats. Being connected makes it easier to reduce energy costs. Simply adjust your home temperature setting from anywhere using the mobile app so you aren’t unnecessarily cooling a home when no one is there.

Additionally, since the amount of effort your system takes to cool your home directly impacts your energy use, bill and comfort, if your current unit isn’t performing as well as it used to, you might be in the market for a new air conditioner. While no one likes the idea of a large purchase upgrade, it’s better to start learning the telltale system failing warning signs before the hotter temperatures are upon us and your family’s comfort, health and sanity is at stake.

Below are a few signs that you might need to consider purchasing a new air conditioner.

Repair history

If you’ve had to make frequent repairs to your unit over the course of a season, or have been doing the same repair on the same parts year after year, this could mean that your system isn’t up to par. Frequent loss of Freon? If your unit has to be charged regularly to cool, then it’s leaking.

Older models can require more maintenance as wear and tear can eventually cause parts to fail, sometimes in rapid succession. A new air conditioner unit should only need standard annual maintenance work.

Performance and efficiency

Does your AC unit make squealing or grinding noises? You could have a problem with the compressor. Increased summer energy bills and higher indoor humidity levels can also be warning signs of poor AC equipment. Additionally, a unit that is too small or too large can cause inefficiencies and really cost you more in the long run.


The biggest sign that it might be time for a new air conditioner is the age of your current system. An accepted rule is to replace your unit if it is more than 10 years old. Even if your older system appears to be running fine, there have been so many technology advancements. The cost you put into the purchase of a new, modern system, could save you down the road in efficiency and lower energy bills.   A new air conditioner unit has many benefits, including comfort, peace of mind, decreased service calls and lower energy bills. If you haven’t had your unit checked in a while, now is the time to call your local HVAC professional. They can check all of your parts and connections to either make sure your current system is ready for the hot temperatures to come or to prepare for the possibility that you might need a new air conditioner.  

Stay cool in there!

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